Top Rated Dentist in California on Receding Gums

Receding gums are a common problem in adults, and many people don’t pay attention to it soon enough. A top rated dentist in California has recently explained all you need to know about receding gums. Read on to know.

What are Receding Gums?

In simple words, receding gums is a health condition in which your gums pull back from the surface of the tooth and end up exposing the root surfaces of the tooth or teeth. It is a form of periodontal disease that is often a result of poor oral health. If not treated on time, it may have severe consequences like tooth loss. Though there are a lot of treatment options available for fixing this issue, the success of the treatment largely depends on how soon it is started. The sooner the diagnosis and treatment are done, the better would be the results.

How Your Gums Recede?

According to an estimate by the California Dental Association, three out of every four adults have some form of the popular periodontal disease, and it includes receding gums. The process starts with the buildup of bacteria and plaque within your teeth and gums that forces gums to fall away from the teeth. In some cases, small pockets form between the gums and teeth. This gap is very dangerous as it acts as a breeding ground for plaque and bacteria.

Key Causes

The causes for receding gums vary from smoking to diabetes, family history of gum disease to HIV, aggressive brushing to hardened plaque and even hormonal changes in women. In some cases, the main reason is dry mouth caused due to taking certain medications. Dry mouth is a situation when there is a lack of enough saliva in your mouth, and it can lead to making your mouth vulnerable to bacterial infections.

Who’s at Risk of Receding Gums?

According to CDA, receding gums are more common in men rather than women. Also, people who are 40 years or older are more vulnerable as receding gums are a sign of aging.

Key Symptoms

Some of the vital symptoms of receding gums are bad breath, bleeding after flossing or brushing, red & swollen gums, visibly shrinking gums, pain at your gum line, loose teeth and exposed tooth roots.

Diagnosis Process

According to a top rated dentist in California, your dentist will tell you whether you have receding gums or any other form of periodontal disease via a physical examination in most cases. In many cases, the dentist will use a probe to measure the gum pockets by using a small and essentially painless ruler. As per the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, if the pocket size ranges more than 3 mm, it can be a sign of gum disease. In some cases, the dentist will also refer you to a periodontist.

Treatment Options for Receding Gums

According to a top rated dentist in California, a periodontist would be the best person to decide the treatment that suits you best. If a person has an infection in gums, antibiotics might need to be prescribed. In many cases other medications like antiseptic chips, enzyme suppressants, antimicrobial mouthwash, etc. could be used to treat the underlying problem that led to receding gums.

When is a Surgery Prescribed?

Surgery is usually not advised if your receding gums are diagnosed in time. It is considered as the last option and is usually recommended in worst cases of receding gums. Two common surgery options include grafting and flap surgery. In the former, the bones and gum tissues are revived by placing a piece of bone or a synthetic particle to help the gums to grow back. In the latter, the process of deep tissue cleaning is used to get rid of tartar and bacteria buildup. In this process, the gums are lifted and then put back post the procedure which may lead to the gums appearing to be longer than they are.

Key Complications

According to an estimate by CDA, periodontal diseases like receding gums are responsible for around 70 percent of adult tooth loss. When there is a lack of gum tissue to ensure that the teeth are held in place, the teeth might fall out. In some cases, a top rated dentist in California would remove them rather than wait and let them fall out.

Can You Prevent Receding Gums?

According to a top rated dentist in California, you can prevent gum receding by seeing a dentist for regular checkups and ensuring that you get cleanups done regularly. You should also practice smart oral health habits like flossing and brushing. It is also suggested that you keep an eye on your oral health and contact a dentist if something doesn’t look or feel right in your mouth. It might help you prevent gingivitis before it progresses into the problem of receding gums.

Contact the Experts

If reading this article has made you realize that you need to contact a top rated dentist in California to ensure that you don’t have the problem of receding gums then you should contact Canyon Dental, a leading dental clinic in Corona, California where you can expect top of the line treatment and best in class care. Call us today!


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