7 Reasons to be Thankful for Your Oral Health This Thanksgiving Day 2018

Most of us think of Thanksgiving as a day to have our favorite turkey and cranberry sauce. We also think of people who love us, but we often forget to be thankful to our body parts for allowing us to live a happy and healthy life. If you are nodding your head in agreement then its time you learn to be thankful for good oral health.

Cancer Prevention

When you have good oral health, and you don’t use tobacco or smoke, it will help you to stay away not only from mouth related cancers such as throat cancer but it will also negate the risk of blood cancer, kidney cancer, and pancreatic cancer.

Kidney Health

When you have good oral health, you won’t have infections like a periodontal disease which can lead to kidney related issues.

Heart Health

Periodontal disease can also lead to bacteria buildup which can lead to the formation of plaque in the arteries. It is very serious because it can lead to heart blockage and even heart attacks. The lining of your heart can also become infected, and it can be fatal. So, having a healthy mouth can protect your heart.


Having good oral health can ensure that you don’t have gingivitis, that often leads to dementia and even the Alzheimer’s disease.

Respiratory Health

People who have good oral health also don’t have any dangerous bacteria that could lead to COPD, pneumonia, acute bronchitis or respiratory infections.

Diabetes Control

If you have good oral health, you will be able to manage your diabetes better. In contrast, if you have periodontal disease, you might find such a task difficult as your blood sugar levels can go haywire. Gum infections also make people without this disease more vulnerable to diabetes.

Infertility Prevention

Good oral health also allows you to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby whereas poor oral health has been linked to infertility and problems in conceiving a child.

Good oral health also prevents you from serious health issues like erectile dysfunction, chronic kidney disease, and rheumatoid arthritis. Now, if you are feeling thankful for your good oral health or you wish to be thankful, then you should contact Canyon Dental, a leading dental clinic in California where you can get the opportunity to fix all oral health issues and have a healthy and happy smile throughout your life.


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