New Bridges: How Popular Dentist in Riverside, CA Can Help

Dental bridges are one of the most common solutions offered by a popular dentist in Riverside, CA. If you have also been advised to get them by your dental expert, you might be curious to know the process involved in it. Have a look at the entire process right here and take the stress out of the situation.

  • The Meeting: In this stage, the dentist will recommend the right type of dental bridges for you after seeing your oral health and overall condition. He or she will have a discussion with you about the types of dental bridges available and the ones that suit you best. Be sure to clear all your doubts at this stage.
  • Teeth Preparation: Here, the popular dentist in Riverside, CA would prepare your existing teeth for the new additions by shaping the teeth and sometimes grinding them to reduce their size. This stage can be quite painful, so you can ask the expert for some anesthesia before the session begins.
  • Teeth Impressions: In the next stage, the dental expert would gather teeth impressions so that your bite remains the same and the color, size, and fitment of the bridges can be perfect. It is a painless and quick process which is usually done within a few minutes.
  • Fitting Check: After the impressions are sent to the lab, the popular dentist in Riverside, CA will call you in to check whether the finished product is as per the impression and whether you feel comfortable with it. Slight adjustments are often made to make it fully customized for your mouth. This stage is also painless and lasts only a few minutes.
  • Cementing Stage: During this final stage, the dentist would cement the bridges in place by preparing a mixture and sticking it to the bridges. He or she would ensure that you have a perfect smile again by fixing it perfectly. Do let him or her know if you are feeling uncomfortable and listen to the expert on how to maintain bridges so that they last for long.

Now, if you are convinced that adding dental bridges is not as scary as you thought and you want to get this procedure done then don’t forget to call Canyon Dental where a popular dentist in Riverside, CA would take care of your oral health and help you get the best possible solution for each of your oral health issues.


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